Two Network Marketing Companies To Receive 2005 NBJ Business Achivements Awards
Released on = February 5, 2006, 11:50 am
Press Release Author = Investopedia, Inc
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Nutrition Business Journal - Strategic information for decision makers in the Nutrition Industry announces the winners for 2005 NBJ Business Achievement Awards, which will be presente in a special ceremony at the NBJ Newport Summit in Dana Point, Calif., July 26-28, 2006.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2/8/2006
Two Network Marketing Companies To Receive 2005 NBJ Business Achievements Awards
Nutrition Business Journal - Strategic information for decision makers in the Nutrition Industry announces the winners for 2005 NBJ Business Achievement Awards, which includes two network marketing companies, XanGo LLC and Mannatech Inc. The Awards will be presented in a special ceremony at the NBJ Newport Summit in Dana Point, Calif., July 26-28, 2006.
February 8, 2005
Nutrition Business Journal -, is a research, publishing and consulting company serving the nutrition, natural products and alternative health care industries, recently announced the winners of 2005 NBJ Business Achievement Awards.
Among the winners, NBJ chooses two network marketing companies. XanGo LLC and Mannatech Inc. First company, XanGo LLC markets XanGo juice, which is made from the mangosteen fruit. The company\'s growth during 2005 was believed to be 145%, more than doubling 2004 sales. XanGo is on track to achieve its goal of $1 billion in annual sales by 2009.
Another network marketing company to receive the award is Mannatech Inc., growth of 37% in 2005. With the launch of Advanced Ambrotose, an immune support supplement, Mannatech Inc posted net sales of $288 million for the nine months of 2005 through September 30.
NBJ solicited the industry via email, website and word of mouth for nominations for the NBJ awards. Awards were determined by an internal committee of NBJ staff and NBJ editorial advisory board members. Company audits were not conducted to verify information or claims submitted with nominations.
\"This is the strength of 75 billion dollar a year network marketing industry, practiced in all 50 states and well over 65 countries around the world. It doesn\'t matter so much what the current state of the economy is, it appeals to everyone... homemakers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, school teachers to just name a few. Network marketing companies and its distributors offer the chance to start a potentially lucrative distribution business in the most cost effective way.\" Said XanGo distributor Takuya Hikichi.
Nutrition Business Journal,, is a research, publishing and consulting company serving the nutrition, natural products and alternative health care industries. The monthly, executive journal addresses how the nutrition industry impacts the larger food, pharmaceutical and health care industries. It also discusses business activities, market size/growth, trends and opportunities in the nutrition industry. For More Information Visit:
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Contact Details = Takuya Hikichi
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